Local Event: God's Word: Bringing Women Together - Generation to Generation - Psalm 145:4
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Coffee & Fellowship 8:30AM - 9:15AM
Program from 9:15AM - 3PM
Kingston Gospel Temple
Cost: $25.00
Tickets available through EventBrite: https://godswordbringingwomentogether.eventbrite.com
Tickets sales start October 2nd though November 8th
Lunch Provided
Childcare available for children ages 0-3
Welcome to Mars Hill Radio (Canada) Inc.
Mars Hill Radio Canada was originally formed by a group of faithful Christians, led by Dr.A. Kenneth Wyllie. Their mission was to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ by radio broadcasting, emanating from Syracuse, New York.
Our warm and close relationship with the board and staff of the Mars Hill Network over the years has created a special partnership in this ministry. It started before our incorporation in 1984 and continues through the present. We would especially like to thank them for their support and blessing in a number of projects over the years and including us in this unifying cross-border ministry for the Lord.
Above all, the praise and thanks goes to the Lord Jesus Christ who has allowed this association to become reality. It is our prayer that you will become be encouraged, strengthen and blessed through this ministry and God will receive the Honour and Glory.
In His Glorious Service
Dennis Tysick
Mars Hill Radio (Canada) Inc.
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